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Is Drug Rehab Covered Under FMLA

Uncertain about using FMLA for drug rehab? Learn if FMLA covers drug rehab. If eligible, take time off for treatment using this vital job protection.



September 19, 2024
Is Drug Rehab Covered Under FMLA
Is Drug Rehab Covered Under FMLA


September 19, 2024

Is Drug Rehab Covered Under FMLA

Uncertain about using FMLA for drug rehab? Learn if FMLA covers drug rehab. If eligible, take time off for treatment using this vital job protection.

Dealing with addiction is tough, especially when you're concerned about missing work for drug rehab. But what if you could manage both?

Well, there's good news: FMLA can help you manage everything without any concerns. Before you start applying, it's crucial to understand how FMLA works.

Questions like:

  • Does FMLA treat drug and alcohol rehab the same?

  • Does it always cover rehab?

  • Can you use FMLA for rehab if you haven't been officially diagnosed with addiction?

In this guide, let's explore how FMLA connects with drug and alcohol rehab!

FMLA: What Is It?

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), passed in 1993 under Clinton, helps workers balance work and family. It provides job security and healthcare coverage during personal or family health emergencies.

FMLA allows eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave within a year for specific reasons:

  • Bonding time with a newborn or newly adopted child

  • Caring for a family member (spouse, child, or parent) with a serious health condition

  • Managing the employee's own serious health condition

  • Addressing family issues related to a family member's military service

Many people use FMLA for rehab. It's important to understand how it works if you're considering alcohol or drug rehab.

What the FMLA law does if you meet the requirements:

  • Keeps your job safe for up to 12 weeks (3 months) due to medical reasons.

  • Protects your privacy (only HR, upper management, and medical staff may know).

  • Allows you to use any accrued sick leave or unused vacation time for pay.

  • Provides the time you need to seek help for a drug or alcohol problem.

What the FMLA law does NOT do:

  • Activate automatically. You must inform your employer right away and fill out paperwork.

  • Permit you to leave work without informing your employer about your situation.

  • Guarantee that you'll return to your exact same job position after leave.

  • Provide a paycheck during leave, except for any paid time off (PTO) you may have accrued.

Upon return, the employee may be entitled to the same job or an equivalent one with the same benefits and pay.

It is not fixed, things might vary based on situations. Not all employers must follow FMLA, but it applies to most American workers.

Who Qualifies for FMLA Coverage?

To determine if alcohol rehab is covered under FMLA, you first need to see if your employer is covered. Generally, covered employers include public agencies, public or private elementary and secondary schools, and private sector employers with 50 or more employees.

As for employees, they must meet certain criteria:

Have a Serious Health Condition: Substance abuse qualifies as a mental disorder, making it a serious health condition under FMLA.

Work for a Covered Employer: This includes the employer types mentioned earlier.

Have Worked for the Employer for 12 Months: You need at least 1,250 hours of work within a 12-month period, which doesn't have to be consecutive.

Work at a Location with at Least 50 Employees within a 75-Mile Radius: This ensures coverage under FMLA.

It may come with some additional eligibility factors, so it's best to check with the Department of Labor regarding your specific situation.

What Counts as a Serious Health Condition for FMLA?

A serious health condition is any issue that stops you from doing your job's main tasks. It's not just a bad cold; it needs inpatient care or regular treatment from a professional.

This covers a wide range of health problems. Some mental health conditions include:

  • Alzheimer's Disease

  • Severe Depression

  • Bipolar Disorder

  • Schizophrenia

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

For physical health, it includes:

  • Chronic Back Condition

  • Cancer

  • Diabetes

  • Emphysema

  • Nervous System Disorders

  • Pregnancy

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Pneumonia

  • Severe Arthritis

All of this applies to the family members you care for too. Thankfully, your diagnosis and treatment are private under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

You don't have to tell your employer your diagnosis. However, you should inform them that your leave is due to an FMLA-covered condition.

If your doctor recommends time off for antibiotics or hospitalization, inform your employer.

Good communication with your employer helps clarify your rights to paid leave. It also informs you about when you can return to work.

So, Is Drug Rehab Covered Under FMLA?

Yes, you can use FMLA for rehab. Both drug and alcohol rehab are covered under FMLA if you meet the eligibility requirements.

According to FMLA guidelines, alcoholism is recognized as a "serious medical condition" only if the employee meets specific criteria outlined by the Department of Labor. These criteria include:

  • Inpatient Care: The condition requires inpatient care as defined in section 825.114

  • Continuing Treatment: The condition requires ongoing treatment by a healthcare provider as defined in section 825.115.

Additionally, an employee incapacitated by substance abuse may also qualify for FMLA protection.

In this context, "incapacity" refers to the inability to work, attend school, or perform regular daily activities due to the serious health condition, its treatment, or recovery from it.

If you are receiving treatment for substance abuse, you can use FMLA leave for inpatient or outpatient care. You can also use it for related treatments.

You can use FMLA leave for:

  • Drug or alcohol addiction treatment

  • Treatment for related illnesses or conditions

  • Taking care of a family member undergoing treatment for substance abuse or related conditions

However, your employer may ask for certification from a healthcare provider to confirm your need for FMLA leave.

But remember, FMLA doesn't protect you from workplace consequences related to drug or alcohol use.

So, it's best not to disclose your specific condition to your employer to avoid potential issues. Just provide the necessary documentation without revealing details about your treatment plans.

FMLA Application Procedure For Drug Rehab

Applying for FMLA leave is a pretty straightforward process if you and your employer meet the requirements.

While the exact steps may vary, here's a general guide to applying for FMLA leave for rehab:

  • Give Notice: Provide your employer with a 30-day notice before your planned leave, or as soon as possible if it's an emergency.

  • Know Your Rights: Your employer should inform you about your FMLA rights, including health benefits and job security. Failure to provide FMLA rights and responsibilities to employees could result in a penalty of up to $110.

  • Provide Medical Certification: If required, submit a completed medical certification form from your healthcare provider within 15 calendar days.

  • Receive Approval Notification: Your employer must notify you within 5 business days if your FMLA leave is approved.

  • Take Approved Leave: Once approved, you can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for your rehab.

  • Return to Work: Upon your return, your employer must reinstate you to your previous position or an equivalent one with the same pay, benefits, and responsibilities.

To apply for FMLA leave, talk to your Human Resources department or supervisor about your intention to enter rehab using FMLA.

Provide all required documents and information for the FMLA application, which you can find on the Department of Labor's FMLA website.

You might also need a doctor's note explaining why rehab is necessary, so it's a good idea to see your doctor. Your employer may have additional forms or requirements.

After you submit your application, your employer will review it to see if you're eligible for FMLA leave.

If approved, they'll tell you details like how long you can take off and when. Then, they'll give you any necessary forms to sign to officially start your FMLA leave.

Can Employers Refuse FMLA for Drug Rehab?

Certain industries, such as federal contractors, must have drug-free workplaces. The same applies to safety-sensitive sectors.

State and local positions, including first responders, may enforce drug-free policies. They also conduct regular testing. Most employers aren't required to be drug-free, but might choose to.

While private companies can set drug policies, they can't deny FMLA for drug rehab. However, company policies matter.

If your employer has a drug-free rule, they can't penalize you for FMLA. But violating their policy may lead to termination. So, FMLA for rehab is allowed, but keeping your job isn't guaranteed.

Many companies support recovery but may have policies about drug use. If you're struggling, talk to your employer before getting caught.

Violating drug policies could lead to job loss and disqualify you from FMLA. Though it's scary, prioritize your health. Seeking treatment is crucial for your well-being and future.

Are There Any Alternatives To FMLA

While the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) can be helpful for employees seeking addiction treatment, there are other options available.

State-specific leave laws and Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) offer additional resources and support for individuals in need of rehabilitation.

State-Specific Leave Laws

These laws allow you to take time off work for medical or family reasons. They may provide extended leave time, job protection, and financial aid for those seeking addiction treatment.

Examples include the California Family Rights Act and the New Jersey Family Leave Act. Knowing the laws in your state ensures you get the support you need during recovery.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPS)

EAPs are employer-provided programs offering confidential counseling and support services to employees.

They assist with stress, mental health, and addiction through counseling, groups, and resources. Combining EAPs and FMLA leave supports employees recovering.

Vacation or Paid Time Off (PTO):

You can use your vacation or PTO for rehab if you have enough saved. If you feel comfortable, explain to your employer why you need time off.

But, it won't protect your job like FMLA does. Also, your employer might not have to keep your leave reason confidential.

If privacy is a concern, consider other choices or talk to your employer about your situation. The decision to share your reason for leave depends on how you feel and trust your workplace.

Military Leave:

The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) is a law that safeguards jobs for military members and their family when they need leave.

This includes situations like deployments, caring for a sick family member, or getting treatment for substance abuse.

Family members covered by USERRA include spouses, dependent children, and parents reliant on the service member for care.

Military members can take leave to support a family member's rehab. USERRA protects your job during their recovery.

But, there are specific rules and limits to consider. It's best to talk with a military lawyer or USERRA representative to know if you qualify and to manage the leave process.


What should I do if my employer requires a medical certification?

If your employer needs medical certification, you can use forms provided by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL).

You can access these forms for printing or electronic completion. Employers can use their own forms as long as they request the same basic details.

There are two main FMLA certification forms: WH-380-E for your own serious health condition and WH-380-F for a family member's.

DOL offers three military family leave certifications, like Qualifying Exigency (WH-384) and Military Caregiver Leave of a Veteran. It covers job details, care needed, and leave duration.

Do I have to take all my FMLA leave at once?

No, you have flexibility with FMLA leave. You can take it as one continuous block or split it into smaller periods.

It's useful for ongoing treatment where you may need to adjust your work schedule regularly. For instance, if you're having surgery and need three weeks off, you can take partial leave.

Similarly, if you're in outpatient rehab and need weekly hospital visits, this flexible approach works well. Your employer must track your FMLA leave periods.

Can I use paid time off (PTO) during FMLA leave?

Yes, you can use sick days, vacation days, or any other PTO your employer offers to get paid during FMLA leave. You'll need to follow your company's procedure for requesting PTO.

Using PTO during FMLA leave still ensures you're protected by FMLA policies. It's a good idea, especially if you have unused PTO that may reset at the end of the year.

Does HIPAA Cover Alcoholism?

Yes, alcoholism is covered under HIPAA when shared with healthcare providers for medical purposes only. Information collected cannot be disclosed to non-treatment entities.

Is Alcoholism Considered a Disability?

Alcoholism is considered a disability under laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act.

People with alcoholism have the same protections as others with qualifying disabilities under these Acts.


Knowing if you qualify, understanding work rules, and finding extra help can help you choose treatment wisely. This protects your job and helps you recover smoothly.

We've discussed who can get FMLA coverage. Hopefully, you now know if FMLA covers drug rehab for your job.

As long as you follow the FMLA rules, your boss can't fire you for getting help. As you start your recovery journey, remember that FMLA and other aids are there for you.

Don't wait to ask for help; it's the first step to a better life without addiction. Your journey to recovery starts now.

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