
How to Sell Medicare Insurance: Easy Tips for Success

Are you interested in kickstarting your sales in Medicare? Here's your practical step-by-step guide perfect for beginners, starting from square one.

How to Sell Medicare Insurance: Easy Tips for Success
October 18, 2024
How to Sell Medicare Insurance: Easy Tips for Success
How to Sell Medicare Insurance: Easy Tips for Success
How to Sell Medicare Insurance: Easy Tips for Success
October 18, 2024

How to Sell Medicare Insurance: Easy Tips for Success

Are you interested in kickstarting your sales in Medicare? Here's your practical step-by-step guide perfect for beginners, starting from square one.

In the US, 16% of the population is 65 or older, totaling 54.1 million eligible for Medicare. Every day, about 10,000 Americans hit the 65 mark.

With longer lifespans, more people need to review and update their Medicare plans yearly, often with the assistance of Medicare agents.

It means, if you're selling Medicare insurance, you have a vast pool of potential customers looking for the plans you sell.

Ready to learn how to start selling Medicare? Keep reading for our step-by-step guide.

Why Selling Medicare Is A Good Career Choice?

Selling Medicare can bring in big bucks, making it a top choice in finance. Unlike fixed jobs, where you earn the same pay regardless of effort, Medicare sales offer ongoing income.

For instance, selling a policy might get you $600 upfront, plus half that every year for as long as the client stays.

With a sizable client base, hitting six figures annually is achievable, and you get to call the shots as your own boss!

Medicare sales offer a chance for passive income, even in uncertain times, as seniors will always need healthcare services.

Step By Step Guide To Sell Medicare Insurance

Intrigued with the lucrative business of Medicare, and want to start selling yours? Our step-by-step guide is here to walk you through the process, from beginning to end.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, we've got you covered with easy-to-follow steps.

Our goal is to help you easily navigate the world of Medicare insurance sales. Let's get started on your journey to success!

Step 1: Becoming a Licensed Medicare Insurance Agent

Since you are going to sell a healthcare insurance product like Medicare, you must have a valid license. Here, you probably need a health insurance license for most states.

State Licensing Requirements:

Obtaining a health insurance license is the foundation for your Medicare insurance sales career. The specific requirements vary by state, but here's a breakdown of the general process:

Pre-licensing Education:

Most states mandate completing a pre-licensing course approved by your state's insurance department.

These courses typically cover topics like insurance laws, ethics, product knowledge, and Medicare basics. Find approved courses online or through local colleges and universities.

Look for resources from your state's Department of Insurance website, which often lists approved courses and testing providers.

Licensing Exam:

After completing the pre-licensing education, you'll need to pass a state insurance licensing exam.

The NAIC offers a standardized exam (Series 63) for health insurance agents, although some states may require additional exams specific to Medicare products.

Application and Background Check:

Once you pass the exam, submit a license application with your state's insurance department. This may involve fees, fingerprints, and a background check.

You can use the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) for streamlined licensing across multiple states (if applicable).

The NIPR acts as a central database for insurance producer licenses, allowing you to maintain your license status in multiple states electronically.

AHIP Certification:

The America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) certification is an additional requirement for selling Medicare Advantage plans (Part C).

While not mandatory for Medigap plans, obtaining the AHIP shows your in-depth knowledge of Medicare Advantage and strengthens your credibility with clients.

Here's what to expect with AHIP certification:

Two-Part Training:

AHIP requires completing two online courses and passing corresponding exams. The first course focuses on Medicare fundamentals, plan types, benefits, and eligibility.

The second course dives deeper into Medicare Advantage marketing, compliance regulations, and ethical selling practices.

Annual Renewal:

AHIP certification needs annual renewal through continuing education courses to stay updated on the ever-evolving Medicare landscape.

Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance:

E&O insurance, also known as professional liability insurance, acts as a safety net for your business.

It protects you from financial losses if a client sues you for alleged negligence or misrepresentation of a Medicare plan.

Here's why E&O is crucial:

  • Peace of Mind: E&O insurance provides peace of mind, knowing you're financially protected if a client files a lawsuit. Even unfounded claims can be expensive to defend.

  • Client Confidence: Having E&O shows professionalism and fosters trust with clients. It assures them you're committed to ethical conduct and responsible sales practices.

  • Carrier Requirements: Many Medicare insurance carriers require agents to have a minimum amount of E&O coverage before they can contract with them to sell their plans.

Fulfill all these licensing, certification, and insurance requirements, and you'll be well-positioned to launch a successful career as a Medicare insurance agent.

Step 2: Building Your Medicare Business

Let's say you've laid the groundwork with a strong foundation in Medicare knowledge and a targeted sales approach. It's high time to build that into a thriving Medicare business.

Choose a Medicare Field Marketing Organization (FMO):

FMOs act as a bridge between you and multiple Medicare insurance carriers. They offer several advantages that can streamline your business launch and growth:

Carrier Access: FMOs have established relationships with various Medicare insurance companies. Partnering with an FMO grants you access to a wider selection of plans, allowing you to cater to a more diverse clientele with varying needs and budgets.

Simplified Contracting Process: Navigating individual contracts with each carrier can be time-consuming. FMOs handle much of the paperwork and streamline the contracting process, freeing you to focus on client acquisition and sales.

Compliance Support: FMOs stay updated on complex Medicare regulations and provide ongoing compliance support to ensure you operate within legal boundaries. This can save you significant time and potential penalties.

Training and Resources: Many FMOs offer comprehensive training programs on Medicare products, sales techniques, and compliance. They may also provide valuable resources like marketing materials and lead generation tools.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an FMO:

  • Product Portfolio: Pick one that offers a diverse range of Medicare supplement, Medicare Advantage, and Prescription Drug (Part D) plans from reputable carriers.

  • Commission Structure: Understand the FMO's commission structure and compensation model to ensure it aligns with your earning goals. Look for transparent payout schedules and competitive commissions.

  • Technology and Support: Inquire about the FMO's technology platform. Do they offer a user-friendly CRM system, online quoting tools, and readily available support for agents?

  • Compliance Reputation: Choose an FMO with a strong track record of compliance. Ask about their training programs and resources to ensure you're well-equipped to navigate regulations.

Contracting with Insurance Carriers:

Once you've chosen a reputable FMO, the contracting process becomes much simpler. Your FMO will guide you through their streamlined application process for each desired carrier.

It involves submitting your license information, references, and a business plan. Upon approval, you'll be able to access and quote plans from those carriers through the FMO's platform.

Understand Medicare Products You'll Sell:

As a successful Medicare insurance agent, it's crucial to have a thorough understanding of the different Medicare products you'll be offering:

Medicare Supplemental Insurance (Medigap):

These plans bridge the gaps in Original Medicare (Parts A & B) by covering out-of-pocket costs like deductibles, copays, and coinsurance. Different Medigap plans (Plan A, B, D, etc.) offer varying levels of coverage.

Medicare Advantage (MA) Plans: MA plans are offered by private insurance companies approved by Medicare.

They combine Parts A & B coverage into a single plan, often including additional benefits like vision, dental, and hearing. MA plans come in different structures.

For instance, HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) requires a primary care physician referral for specialists, and PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) offers more network flexibility.

Prescription Drug Plans (Part D):

Part D plans provide stand-alone prescription drug coverage to supplement Medicare Parts A & B or an MA plan that may not include prescription drug benefits.

Different Part D plans have varying formularies (covered medications), co-pays, and donut holes (coverage gaps).

Master these product details to confidently explain the pros and cons of each option to your clients. It'll hel[ them choose the plan that best suits their specific healthcare needs and budget.

Step 3: Prospecting and Lead Generation

The foundation for a successful Medicare insurance career lies in building a strong client base. That's why it's essential to understand the art of prospecting and lead generation.

If you can implement effective prospecting and lead generation strategies it will ensure a steady flow of potential clients interested in your Medicare expertise.

Knowing Your Target Audience:

Before you even plan for generating new leads, you must identify your ideal client base or target audience to tailor your approach properly.

Look after these factors to identify your target audience:


Your ideal Medicare client is likely to be 65 years or older. However, some individuals with disabilities may qualify for Medicare earlier.

Consider factors like geographic location (urban vs. rural) and income levels, as these can influence plan preferences and budget constraints.

Health Needs:

Learning deeply about your client's specific health conditions is crucial. Are they relatively healthy and looking for a preventive care-focused plan?

Do they have chronic conditions requiring frequent doctor visits and medication? This will help you tailor your recommendations to plans with appropriate coverage for their specific needs.

Plan Preferences:

Some clients value flexibility and network access (PPO plans), while others prioritize lower premiums and may be comfortable with a limited network (HMO plans).

Know and gather more info on the preferences of your potential clients. It will help you focus on the more relevant options and save the time of both you and your clients.

Marketing Strategies To Reach Your Audience:

After you've identified your target audience, now you have the major task: reaching out to your potential clients. Here's how you can approach further:

Senior Events and Community Outreach:

Attend health fairs, senior center activities, and educational workshops focused on Medicare. Offer free consultations and informational brochures to establish yourself as a trusted resource.

Content Marketing and Social Media:

Create informative blog posts, articles, and videos addressing common Medicare questions and concerns.

You can also utilize social media platforms like Facebook (targeting seniors) to share educational content and build brand awareness.

Partnerships and Referrals:

Develop relationships with senior centers, social workers, and elder care attorneys who can refer clients needing Medicare guidance.

Offer co-hosted workshops or educational events to reach these audiences. This is also an effective strategy to reach your target audience.

Generate Qualified Leads And Build Your Pipeline:

Finding qualified leads is crucial for success in selling Medicare insurance. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

Traditional Lead Generation Methods:

  • Senior Events: Attend health fairs, community events, and seminars specifically targeted towards seniors. It lets you connect with potential clients directly, answer their questions, and build rapport.

  • Networking with Healthcare Providers: Build relationships with doctors, clinics, and senior living facilities. They can refer you to Medicare-eligible individuals who might be interested in your services.

  • Direct Outreach: Utilize targeted mailers, phone calls (be mindful of DNC regulations), or online advertising to reach potential clients in your area.

Digital Lead Generation:

  • Content Marketing: Create informative blog posts, articles, or videos about Medicare options, navigating enrollment, and addressing common concerns. This attracts potential clients searching for information and establishes you as a knowledgeable resource.

  • Social Media Marketing: Go through platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn to target seniors with Medicare-related content and advertise your services.

The Power of DOPPCALL

While the methods above require effort and time investment, DOPPCALL offers a streamlined solution for generating qualified Medicare leads:

  • Pre-Qualified Leads: Focuses on connecting you with potential clients who are already interested in Medicare. It saves valuable time and resources spent on unqualified leads.

  • Targeted Demographics: Allows you to target specific demographics within the Medicare market, such as age range, location, and health conditions. So, you can easily connect with individuals who best fit your ideal client profile.

  • Increased Efficiency: Streamlines the lead generation process, allowing you to focus on building relationships and closing sales with qualified leads.

For optimal results, consider a multi-pronged approach. Use traditional methods for building trust and community presence.

Alongside, utilize DOPPCALL to get a steady stream of pre-qualified leads, and always stay prepared to discuss the Medicare needs of your potential clients.

Start Getting Qualified Leads Today!

Step 4: The Sales Process for Medicare Insurance

Success rate of your Medicare insurance career lies in your ability to effectively guide clients through the sales process.

All this involves several key steps, from generating interest to closing the deal and ensuring client satisfaction.

Building Rapport and Needs Assessment:

The foundation of a successful Medicare insurance sale is establishing trust and understanding your client's needs.

Active Listening: This is crucial! Give your client your full attention, allowing them to explain their health concerns, medication needs, and budget limitations without interruption. Ask open-ended questions to uncover their specific situation.

Empathy and Understanding: Acknowledge their anxieties and frustrations with navigating Medicare options. Show genuine empathy for their healthcare concerns and financial worries.

Personalized Approach: Avoid generic sales pitches. Tailor your discussion to their unique circumstances.

For example, a client with chronic conditions might prioritize a plan with extensive coverage for specialists, while someone on a fixed income might focus on finding an affordable option.

Presenting Medicare Options:

With a clear understanding of your client's situation, it's time to showcase your expertise. Here, you'll present different Medicare plan options in a clear and unbiased manner to your clients.

Focus on Benefits, not Features:

Don't overwhelm them with technical jargon. Explain how each plan addresses their specific needs.

For instance, highlight how a Medigap plan fills the gaps in Original Medicare (Parts A & B) or how a MA plan offers vision and dental coverage not typically covered by Medicare.

Visual Aids:

It is a clever way to utilize visual aids like clear charts, brochures, and cost comparisons to simplify plan details for the seniors.

Transparency and Education:

Be upfront about potential out-of-pocket costs, network limitations (for HMO or PPO plans), and limitations on switching doctors (if applicable).

Handling Objections and Closing the Sale:

It's natural for clients to have questions and concerns. Implement effective strategies to address common objections about Medicare insurance.

Always try to overcome their hesitations, and confidently guide your client towards enrolling in the most suitable plan.

Cost Objection: Address cost concerns by comparing monthly premiums with potential out-of-pocket expenses under Original Medicare.

Highlight the long-term savings a plan might offer by preventing unforeseen medical bills. For budget-conscious clients, present an option that balances affordability with essential coverage.

Coverage Concerns: Reassure clients by explaining how a specific plan addresses their specific needs.

If they're worried about a specific doctor or medication, help them verify coverage within the plan's network or formulary.

Switching Plans Objection: Acknowledge their hesitation, but highlight the benefits of having a plan that better suits their current needs.

Explain to them how a recent health diagnosis or change in medication could necessitate a different plan.

Closing the Sale: Once you've addressed their concerns and presented a suitable plan, offer to enroll them or provide clear next steps.

Don't be pushy, but ensure they understand the advantages of taking action during the enrollment period.

Step 5: Customer Service and Retention

If you're working in the field of Medicare insurance, building strong client relationships is key to long-term success.

Satisfied clients are more likely to not only stay with you but also refer their friends and family, expanding your business network.

Building Loyalty Through Exceptional Service:

Selling Medicare insurance isn't a one-time transaction; it's the beginning of a long-term relationship.

Providing exceptional customer service fosters trust and loyalty, keeping clients happy and secure in their chosen plan. Here's how:

Proactive Communication:

Regularly check in with clients throughout the year, not just during AEP. A simple call to answer questions, address concerns, or offer plan updates shows your commitment to their well-being.

Become a Trusted Resource:

Seniors often face complex healthcare decisions. Be a reliable source of info. Help them in billing issues, understand network changes, or connect with specialists within their plan.

Going the Extra Mile:

Small gestures can make a big difference. Assist clients with complicated claim forms, offer referrals to helpful resources, or simply listen to their healthcare frustrations.

Maximizing Client Retention with AEP Reviews:

The Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is a crucial time to ensure your clients have the best coverage for their evolving needs.

Analyze Changes and Needs:

Before AEP, review their current plan alongside any updates or changes announced by the insurance company.

Has their health status changed? Do they require new medications? Has the plan network or benefits shifted?

Present Optimized Options:

Based on your analysis, present alternative plans within their budget and changing needs. Don't be afraid to recommend switching plans if a better option becomes available.

Transparency is Key:

Clearly explain any changes in premiums, deductibles, or coverage. Provide resources to help them compare plans and make informed decisions.

Prioritize on excellent customer service and proactive AEP reviews. It will build trust, retain clients, and establish yourself as a valuable advisor throughout the Medicare journey.


Do you need a special license to sell Medicare Advantage?

Yes, you do. To sell Medicare Advantage, you must get a special license called the CMS Producer Number (CMS-P) from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

You'll need to pass a state exam, complete a background check, and finish a Medicare Advantage Sales Agent Training program.

How to generate leads for Medicare insurance?

There are various strategies, including attending senior events, networking with healthcare providers, cold calling, and utilizing online marketing tools. Building trust and rapport is key.

Is It Legal to Sell Medicare Advantage over the Phone?

Yes, it's allowed. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) oversees the sale of Medicare Advantage plans and sets rules for enrolling.

As long as you follow CMS regulations, including privacy and security standards, and customers get all needed info before enrolling, it's legal to sell Medicare Advantage over the phone.


We are at the bottom line of this guide. We've tried to equip you with the detailed knowledge and much-needed steps to launch a fulfilling career selling Medicare insurance.

To get started, contact your state's Department of Insurance for licensing requirements.

Pursue the necessary certifications like AHIP to expand your product offerings.

Consider partnering with a reputable Medicare Field Marketing Organization (FMO) like DOPPCALL to access qualified leads and streamline your business development.

Helping seniors secure the right Medicare coverage is a rewarding pursuit. Your expertise and guidance can make a real difference in their healthcare journey.

Start building your successful career today!

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